Press Archive
- Charles Francis: Weakening eye surgery laws places WV patients in jeopardy
- Mark D. Mayle, MD - 2022 Secretariat Award Recipients
- Dr. Larry Schwab recognized with 2020 International Blindness Prevention Award
- Wow Moment with Joseph A. LoCasio | Bio-Tissue | #WowWednesdays
- WVU Today | Moore, Oppe named recipients of Heebink award for Distinguished Service
- Cornea Transplant Restores Young Boy’s Sight After Fishing Accident
- Keep your eyes healthy and safe in the workplace
- Glaucoma Awareness Month
- Ophthalmologists Say 90 Percent of Work-Related Eye Injuries Can be Avoided by Wearing Eye Protection
- Five Tips to Avoid Toy-Related Eye Injuries
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From the WVGazette
Read the featured article about Crystalens Implant Surgery by Larry Minardi, MD in September 17, 2012 Charleston Gazette.
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Ruth Williams, MD, President of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, poses with some of the members of the WVAEPS board including Joe LoCascio, MD, Past President and Chair of the Payer Relations Committee, Charity Hix, MD, President, Ruth Williams, MD, President of AAO, Chicago Illinois, Edgar Gamponia, MD, Immediate Past President, Nancy S. Tonkin, Executive Director, and Steve Powell, Past President and Legislative Chairman.
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Delays in surgery articles - details what is happening in England in that country's efforts to save money. Could this occur in the United States as well?
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Maximizing Postgraduate Surgical Education in the Future is from the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons February 2012 magazine (Volume 97, Number 1). The article describes the transformation from an apprenticeship model to more formalized curriculum-driven experience where competence, not time, defines the duration of training. Deliberate practice, reflection, and portfolios are established components of adult learning that will help develop these skills in postgraduate educational experience.
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Congratulations to One of Our Own: Judie Charlton, MD., named Chief Medical Officer at WVU Healthcare in Morgantown, WV